Hanson Street boutique

Alex Coffee started in 2017 as a single-site, owner-operated coffee shop, serving a signature espresso and flat white, alongside selected filter coffees from Red Bank Coffee Roasters. It continues to be so.
Creating a great coffee, and keeping it great, is itself a full-time job. We know from experience that one cannot deliver the finest coffee consistently, if their focus is spread across multiple coffees and flavour profiles. One coffee is more than enough to fill our time.
Equally, we know that the best customer service is fundamentally personal, which means you won’t get it by ever-changing faces at multiple locations.
This is why we concentrate our efforts into creating, and continually curating, one coffee that bears our signature; and why we only operate a single physical, boutique store, where the creators of the coffee also prepare it for their customers.
This is what sets us apart from the chains, the mini-chains and the ‘independent’ chains. This is why we are not planning on trying to clone ourselves all over your city. That would mean a whole new focus…
If you want to meet us and find out what Alex Coffee espresso tastes like, you are always welcome to our shop at 1, Hanson Street, London W1W6TA (Google map), where Alex and Miranda will prepare for you a drink using the latest iteration of our signature coffee.