Whole bean, ecological refill packs
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Through the practical application of current science and empirical knowledge, we adapt our processes to ensure Alex Coffee is a cut above the rest. For example:

Freshly roasted coffee has excess carbon dioxide trapped within it, which affects negatively the coffee's taste in the cup. That is why Alex Coffee is allowed to "degas" by resting it for a specific number of days before packing it in a protective refill pouch, reaching you at the peak of its flavour.

Moreover, to maintain the coffee at that 'peak flavour', we remove as much oxygen as possible from our refill pouches by creating a partial vacuum. This means the natural degradation process through oxidation is slowed down.

As a result, Alex Coffee will remain in its sweet spot for longer than conventionally packed beans. Once opened, we strongly recommend you store the coffee in the freezer. This will allow the coffee to remain nuanced and delicious for an additional 6 months, at least. When brewing, feel free to grind the required dose direct from the freezer - cold grinding has the additional benefit of allowing your grinder to produce more evenly-sized particles, which means a better tasting cup.

What all this means to you is that you should not have to compromise with coffee that is too recently roasted, guessing the best time to brew it. You have parted with good money to buy it and your coffee should be exquisite and ready to brew 'out of the box'. Our process ensures just that, plus it allows us to ship and deliver your coffee faster than anyone in the business. You're welcome.